On the development of a competency model of innovative entrepreneurship for higher education institutions of technical and natural science profile

Under the conditions of sharply increased requirements to the parameters of innovative development of the Russian economy, the task of mass mastering by students of technical and natural-science specialties of the competencies related to innovative and technological entrepreneurship is urgent. A graduate of a university should position himself/herself not so much as a hired employee, as an entrepreneur in the field of science and technology. The paper considers the problems of reflecting competencies related to innovative and technological entrepreneurship in the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (FSES HE) for technical and natural science majors. The absence of the section ««Entrepreneurial activity» and «Innovative activity» in the blocks related to professional competencies has been shown. In the block of universal competences in most cases there is a group «Development and implementation of projects». There is also the group «Economic culture, including financial literacy», in which the ability to make reasonable economic decisions in various areas of life is defined as a universal competence. Only some FSES of Higher Professional Education of the level of specialist have sections devoted to innovative and entrepreneurial activity. The sections and formulated professional competencies in the field of innovative entrepreneurship, including «Project Activity», «Innovative Activity», «Entrepreneurial Activity», «Technological Entrepreneurship». The concept of «innovative diploma project» is formulated; three forms of such projects are defined: «startup as a diploma», «small innovative project for an enterprise», «investment proposal of an innovative project». It is proposed, along with a diploma, to give developers of innovative diploma projects certificates containing acquired qualitative competences in the sphere of innovative entrepreneurship

Keywords: professional competencies, innovative activities, entrepreneurial activities, innovative entrepreneurship, technological entrepreneurship, innovative diploma project.


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