Organization’s innovation potential assessment considering digital maturity factor

The main drawback of existing tools for assessing the innovative potential of economic entities is the lack of consideration for their readiness for digital transformation. In this regard, this study proposes an approach to assessing the innovation potential of an organization, based on three key factors: receptiveness to innovation, implementability of innovations, and the organization's digital maturity. The article presents various approaches to defining the term «innovation potential of an organization» and provides an overview of methods for its quantitative assessment. The paper introduces scales for analyzing the innovation potential of an economic entity in a coordinate system of «receptiveness to innovation – implementability of innovations – digital maturity», which helps reconcile discrepancies between resource-based and results-based approaches to the concept of innovation potential and take into account the modern features of the digital transformation of the economy. The article presents a methodology for three-dimensional visualization of the assessment of an organization's innovation potential and outlines possible strategic decisions within the framework of managing the innovation potential of an enterprise at different levels of its digital maturity. The paper postulates that with proper adaptation, the scope of application of the author's approach extends beyond the assessment of only the innovation potential of the organization. It can be applied to investigate the market potential or information potential of the organization

Keywords: innovative potential, receptivity to innovation, feasibility of innovation, digital maturity.


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